Power Stats
Super Powers
Accelerated DevelopmentAccelerated HealingAnimal AttributesDanger SenseDurabilityElectricity ResistanceElectrokinesisEmotional Power UpEnduranceHunters InstinctIndomitable WillReflexesStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthAfterimage CreationAgilityAnimal Oriented PowersAuraBerserk ModeDamage BoostDensity ControlDexterityDimensional TravelEnergy AbsorptionEnergy BlastsEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellJaw StrengthJumpLatent AbilitiesLongevityPerfect RecollectionPhasingPhotographic DeductionPhotographic ReflexesPhysical AnomalyRage PowerReactive Power LevelResurrectionSelf-SustenanceSonic ScreamToxin and Disease ResistanceBloodlustCold ResistanceEnergy ArmorFear InducementFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsHoming AttackMind Control ResistanceNatural WeaponsPain SuppressionPower Absorption ImmunityRadiation ImmunityRegenerationShockwaves GenerationSuper BreathTime TravelVision - InfraredVision - NightVision - ThermalVortex CreationOrigin
Creator | remy94 |
Character Tier | 3 (Country) |
Full name | Blue |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | |
Place of birth | |
First appearance | |
Alignment | Good |
Gender | Male |
Species // Type | Animal // Altered |
Height | 91.4 cm • 2'12" |
Weight | 43.09 kg • 95 lbs |
Eye color | Blue |
Hair color | Black |
Skin color | Gray |
Occupation | |
Base | |
Relatives | |
Teams |
Hub | Blue |
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