Selina Kyle
Gotham (2014-2019 TV Series)
Selina Kyle is a skilled street thief residing in Gotham City. Known under the alias of Catwoman, she is well known around the city through her connections in the criminal underworld and around the streets. She witnessed the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne after a pickpocket incident that led her into the alley as she watched Bruce Wayne have his parents murdered in front of him, sparking an interest in him. read more
Super Powers
AcrobaticsAgilityDexterityDurabilityGrappling/ClimbingIntelligenceMaster Martial ArtistReflexesStaminaStealthEnduranceEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced ThieveryIndomitable WillMarksmanshipMaster TacticianSwordsmanshipWeapon-based PowersWeapons MasterHunters InstinctInformation AnalysisInstinctive ReactionPrecognitionVehicular MasteryWallcrawlingOrigin
Creator | DC Comics |
Universe | Gotham - Gotham (2014-2019 TV Series) |
Character Tier | 0+ (Athlete) |
Full name | Selina Kyle |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | Catwoman,Cat,Jane Doe |
Place of birth | Gotham City |
First appearance | Pilot Episode |
Alignment | Neutral |
Gender | Female |
Species // Type | Human |
Height | 157.5 cm • 5'2" |
Weight | 50 kg • 110.23 lbs |
Eye color | Green |
Hair color | Brown |
Occupation | Thief, Leader of the Sirens (formerly) |
Base | Gotham City |
Relatives | Maria Kyle (mother) |
Teams |
Hub | Catwoman |
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