The Sandman
Death is the second eldest of the Endless, seven immensely powerful personifications of primal functions. Death is with every living thing when they're born, and she will collect them when they die. Due to personally knowing each and every person, she has unlimited compassion for every soul. After her brother Dream managed to collect all his possessions, he found himself unfulfilled, leaving him moping in a park where Death found him. She called him out for feeling sorry for himself, and brought him along with her for her work, reminding her brother that the Endless serve mankind, not the other way around. read more
Super Powers
Abstract ExistenceAccelerated HealingCold ResistanceCosmic AwarenessDeath ManipulationDurabilityElectricity ResistanceEnduranceEnergy ResistanceEnhanced MemoryExtrasensory PerceptionFire ResistanceImmortalityMagicNecromancyNigh-OmnipresenceNigh-OmniscienceRadiation ImmunitySelf-SustenanceShapeshiftingSoul ManipulationStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTeleportationWing ManifestationAcid ResistantsCurse ResistanceDanger SenseEmpathyExistence Erasure ResistanceIllusion ResistanceIllusionsIndomitable WillInvulnerabilityLife ManipulationMagic ResistancePossession ResistanceRegenerationTelepathyTelepathy ResistanceTransformationDimensional TravelReality WarpingReality Warping ResistanceOrigin
Creator | Netflix |
Universe | Sandman - The Sandman |
Character Tier | 6++ (Universal+) |
Full name | |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | |
Place of birth | |
First appearance | The Sandman Chapter 6: The Sound of Her Wings |
Alignment | Neutral |
Gender | Female |
Species // Type | Cosmic Entity |
Height | 167.6 cm • 5'6" |
Weight | - |
Eye color | Brown |
Hair color | Brown |
Occupation | Psychopomp |
Base | All Existence |
Relatives | Destiny (older brother), Dream (younger brother), The Prodigal (younger brother), Desire (younger sibling), Despair (younger sister), Delirium (younger sister), Orpheus (nephew, deceased), Miranda Walker (grandniece), Rose Walker (great-grandniece), Jed Walker (great-grandnephew) |
Teams |
Hub | Death |
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