Evil Deadpool
Wade Wilson
Prime Marvel Universe
The origins of the being known as "Evil Deadpool" are tied to Ella Whitby, a British psychiatrist obsessed with the super-human mercenary Deadpool. She collected numerous parts of Deadpool's body that he had lost over the years, and kept them in her freezer. When Deadpool found them, he threw them in a dumpster in disgust. The parts eventually thawed and, since they all had Deadpool's healing factor, fused together into a single person.
Evil Deadpool hijacking the private plane of an American businessman and travelled to the United States at the same time the original Deadpool did. The two crossed paths for the first time after the Evil Deadpool blew up Deadpool's favorite chimichanga joint and fought until they ran out of bullets. read more
Super Powers
Accelerated HealingAcrobaticsAgilityDimensional AwarenessDurabilityEnhanced ConditionIndomitable WillInsanityIntelligenceInvulnerabilityLongevityMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianPain SuppressionReflexesRegenerationStaminaStealthSuper SpeedSuper StrengthSwordsmanshipThe Fourth WallToxin and Disease ResistanceWeapons MasterAccelerated DevelopmentAdaptationBerserk ModeCold ResistanceDanger SenseDexterityEnduranceEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced ThieveryExtrasensory PerceptionFire ResistanceGadget UsageHeat ResistanceHunters InstinctImmortalityJumpMind Control ResistanceMultilingualismRadiation ImmunitySpatial AwarenessTelepathy ResistanceVehicular MasteryVision - NightWeapon-based PowersAfterimage CreationBloodlustDimension StorageExplosion ManipulationNon-Physical InteractionPossession ResistancePressure PointsSmoke ManipulationSocial InfluencingSoul ResistanceTeleportationOrigin
Creator | Marvel Comics |
Universe | Earth-616 - Prime Marvel Universe |
Character Tier | 1++ (Town/City) |
Full name | |
Alter Egos | |
Aliases | Dreadpool |
Place of birth | |
First appearance | Deadpool Vol 2 #44 (December, 2011) |
Alignment | Bad |
Gender | Male |
Species // Type | - // Mutant |
Height | 188 cm • 6'2" |
Weight | 95.3 kg • 210.1 lbs |
Eye color | White |
Hair color | Red |
Occupation | Mercenary, Assasin |
Base | |
Relatives | |
Teams | Deadpool CorpsFormerly: Evil Deadpool Corps |
Hub | Deadpool |