Hero Wars Verse
Mother Nature must have planned Fox as a boy. The fidgety, personality-packed troublemaker always kept her parents on their toes. She used to ditch her arts and crafts lessons, so popular among all the other young ladies. Her mom and dad eventually resigned themselves to the fact that they would never see their youngest offspring in a wedding dress. You�??d have to be crazy to propose to her, right? By her race�??s standards, Fox was no great beauty, either: her ears too tiny, her body way too hairless. The girl knew this, so she made it a point to get on everyone�??s nerves with her stubborn and shocking behavior. At first, women laughed at her antics, but soon enough the respect and support that Fox earned from their male counterparts made them stop chuckling. read more
Super Powers
DurabilityEnduranceIntelligenceMarksmanshipPeak Human ConditionRobotic EngineeringStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthVehicular MasteryAcrobaticsAgilityBullet TimeCold ResistanceDexterityElectricity ResistanceEnhanced ConditionFire ResistanceHeat ResistanceIndomitable WillInvulnerabilityJumpLatent AbilitiesReflexesShockwaves GenerationWeapon-based PowersWeapons MasterLongevityOrigin
Creator | |
Universe | Hero Wars Verse - Hero Wars Verse |
Character Tier | 3 (Country) |
Full name | |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | |
Place of birth | |
First appearance | |
Alignment | Good |
Gender | Female |
Species // Type | - |
Height | - |
Weight | - |
Eye color | Green |
Hair color | Pink |
Skin color | Pink |
Occupation | Hero of Dominion; Engineer; Weapons-maker |
Base | |
Relatives | |
Teams |
Hub | Fox |
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