Thiago Rodriguez
Power Stats
Super Powers
Accelerated HealingAttack ReflectionAuraAwakened PowerCorruptionCorruption ResistanceCosmic AwarenessCurse ResistanceDark MagicDemon PhysiologyDimensional AwarenessDurabilityEnduranceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsEnergy ConstructsExistence Erasure ResistanceFire ControlFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsHeat GenerationHeat ResistanceHellfire ManipulationHellfire ResistanceHoly ResistanceIllusion ResistanceIllusionsInterstellar TravelIntimidationJumpLevitationMagic ResistanceMatter ManipulationMeltingMind Control ResistanceNatural ArmorNatural WeaponsNew PowerPossession ResistanceReality Warping ResistanceSoul ResistanceSpaceflightStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthUnholy ManipulationUnholy ResistanceAccelerated DevelopmentArcane MagicBullet TimeCurse ManipulationDark Matter ManipulationElectricity ResistanceEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceImmortality NegationMagic AbsorptionPower SuitTelepathy ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceAstral ProjectionBerserk ModeCreationDimensional TravelEnergy ArmorFate ResistanceImmortalityMind ControlPlot Manipulation ResistanceTime Manipulation ResistanceOrigin
Creator | Comical_PersuasionX |
Character Tier | 6++ (Universal+) |
Full name | Raphael Rodriguez |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | Son of Fire, |
Place of birth | Muspelheim |
First appearance | |
Alignment | Neutral |
Gender | - |
Species // Type | Demon |
Height | 193.1 cm • 6'4" |
Weight | 127 kg • 279.99 lbs |
Eye color | Red |
Hair color | Brown |
Occupation | Former High School Student; Prince of Muspelheim |
Base | |
Relatives | Surtr (father, resurrected), Maria Rodriguez (foster mother), Dario Rodriguez (foster father, deceased) |
Teams |
Hub | Raphael |
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