Super Powers
Accelerated HealingAgilityDurabilityEnduranceFire ControlFire ResistanceFlightGodly PhysiologyHeat ResistanceIntelligenceInvulnerabilityLongevityMaster Martial ArtistPossessionReflexesRegenerationSand ManipulationShapeshiftingStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTelekinesisToxin and Disease ResistanceWing ManifestationAcrobaticsAvatar CreationCold ResistanceElectricity ResistanceElectrokinesisEnergy ResistanceImmortalityMagicMagic ResistanceMaster TacticianMind Control ResistanceSealingSoul ResistanceStealthTeleportationUnholy ManipulationUnholy ResistanceWeather ControlStatistics AmplificationOrigin
Creator | Rick Riordan |
Character Tier | 3++ (Multi-Continent) |
Full name | |
Alter Egos | No alter egos found. |
Aliases | Evil Day (Secret Name), God of Evil and Chaos, God of the Desert and Storms, The Red Lord, God of War and Strength, The Red God, Murray, The Rocking Red Reaper. |
Place of birth | |
First appearance | The Red Pyramid |
Alignment | Bad |
Gender | Male |
Species // Type | Deity |
Height | - |
Weight | - |
Eye color | Red |
Hair color | No Hair |
Occupation | |
Base | Duat |
Relatives | Geb (father), Nut (mother), Nephthys (wife, formerly sister), Anubis (son), Osiris (brother), Isis (sister), Horus (nephew, former brother), Babi (nephew), Shu (grandfather), Tefnut (grandmother), Ra (great-grandfather). |
Teams |
Hub | Set |
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