On one, (not so) fatefull day, Mudassir was bored in class, very bored.... It was a English class and he had to do research, but he couldn't be bothered, so then he started to search up his favorite superheroes, and stumbled on this website. He on this website for the rest of the day... (Flash vs Quicksilver),(Superman vs Batman) he tried them all.... Eventually he got caught up with his life and forget about this website,until.... Almost a year later..... Mudassir and his friends were talking about lame superpowers, the conversation then lead to Hulk, this was when it hit him, Mudassir said one sentence, 'guys go on, so we will know wholl win in a fight Doomsday vs Hulk', and then we were on the quest, to find answers, and facts, we created (we didn't actually) the research group of Marvel and dc. In order to continue the quest, Mudassir made this account..... To be continued......
Role | normal | |
Last activity | 7 y 1 mo 21 d | |
Activity |
Last 3 months Hibernating Last 7 days Hibernating |
Weekly actvity | 0 points | |
Ratings |
0 0 0 0 | |
Vibe | You need 25 more comments. |
Online | |
Location | Australia |
Birthday | 2003-02-27 |
Account | 7 Years 1 Month 22 Days |
Membership | - |
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Your total contribution score is 7 . See some statistics here.
The User Classification number, or User Class, is a number that represents your overall contribution to the website. All kinds of activity will grand you points.
How to get points
Almost everything you can do on the website will get you points.
Low point activities
- Voting a battle
- Adding a request
- Voting a request
- Adding a favourite
- Loggin in (one per day)
Medium point activities
- Creating a unique battle
- Creating a unique battle team
- Gallery image connection
- Create a collection
High point activities
- Edit a character
- Approved requested character
- Adding uStats (will be up later)
- Creating a unique battle variation
- Uploading an image
- [secret activity]
This is still in development and can change at any time. Abusing any of these activities for points will result in a deduction of the points for that activity x100.