Roman Sionis was born with a wealthy family in Gotham City that only focused on there social status. His parents forced him to befriend a young Bruce Wayne. His parents were living behind a mask. When Roman grew up his parents banned him from dating a woman. For that, Roman burnt down there mansion, killing them. After Roman made a dangerous cosmetic suplies , Bruce Wayne forced him to resign his legacy at the company. Roman soon swore revenge against Bruce Wayne. Roman was suddenly inspired to dig his father remains and carve a mask out of his coffin. Roman began killing the businessmen from Wayne tech with the same dangerous cosmetics that got him fired from being the head of his company. Catwoman eventually killed Roman Sionis. But that didn't stop the black mask legacy.
Role | normal | |
Last activity | 6 y 5 mo 24 d | |
Activity |
Last 3 months Hibernating Last 7 days Hibernating |
Weekly actvity | 2 points | |
Ratings |
0 0 0 0 | |
Vibe | You need 25 more comments. |
Online | |
Location | Gotham City |
Birthday | 0000-00-00 |
Account | 7 Years 1 Month 11 Days |
Membership | - |
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