Offspring of angels demon and watcher human side is a child, loving friend and soldier to and of Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi . blessed with the Holy Spirit Of The Most High Yahawah gifted with certificate and right to life on earth through Yahawashi by means of blood sacrifice and DNA. i have been on earth in spirit for ages but until 1984 may 27 i have had amnesia each jump to a new vessel , i awoken as matthew a loyal child and trust me LOYAL meaning Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi was his ONLY friend and his only love the bond is unbreakable , but with matthew i was able to be freed from bondage and reclaim my birthrights my treasures as a mixed species , many on all sides of the war hate this, infact when matthew and i began to solidify the merger matthew died 4 times and each time his curses and my curses shattered his prophesied life and my inheritance began to be seen to us we are reborn as Matityahu and we are on a mission that few know about. all praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi ...
Role | normal | |
Last activity | 6 y 6 mo 19 d | |
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Weekly actvity | 0 points | |
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Vibe | You need 25 more comments. |
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Location | Fort Hood |
Birthday | 0000-00-00 |
Account | 6 Years 6 Months 19 Days |
Membership | - |
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