Born in small town of Rose Hill, Ks. Has since moved. Location unknown. Has one sibling, a sister, named Casey. Parents divorced at a young age, and now live apart. As a child, Bessica aspired to be a lion or a wolf. She would often play games with her cousins that idolized these animals. This may be why she has grown up to love Wolverine and aspires now to be his "daughter" x-23. She also has a dark side. And this is her reason for her obsession with the Joker. she can't resist his tantalizing tone and devious looks. His ability to think and plan his way out of trouble draws her in. If any personality was close to Mystique's it would be hers. She can change how people see her in an instant. But she still has her soul aching inside. And only few people can truly see her.
Role | normal | |
Last activity | 9 y 10 mo 16 d | |
Activity |
Last 3 months Hibernating Last 7 days Hibernating |
Weekly actvity | 0 points | |
Ratings |
0 0 0 0 | |
Vibe | You need 25 more comments. |
Online | |
Location | venus |
Birthday | 0000-00-00 |
Account | 9 Years 10 Months 26 Days |
Membership | - |
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