===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE)vsEru Ilúvatar (Tolkien Legendarium) & Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo)

Created by voidstone

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
2 / 33.3%
1 / 16.7%

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Aleazlllll 1 y 3 mo 1 d
Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE) - vs - Eru Ilúvatar (Tolkien Legendarium) & Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo)
39 months member
Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE) The main catastrophe that appear in the novel is just called the Event by self-reference engine, and many times it doesn't give much attention to it, the event in question is a situation where some entities beyond the physical universe (called giant corpora of knowledge) fragments the universe, so this universe become a completely different infinite multiverse

the event not only transformed a universe into an infinite multiverse, but also brought into existence an infinite amount of data

before the event, the universe was explained by a perfect truth known as the “A-Z Theorem”

however after the event the A-Z theorem became meaningless, since humanity started traversing trough different space-time realms with different truths with the same validity

for a while another theorem, known as the B to Z theorem replaced the A to Z theorem, but in the future the B to Z theorem got replaced by the C to Z theorem, and that continued until the Z theorem shown up, the most basic proof of all

however this is not the totality of the truth, since there are infinite universes, and infinite more therems for conseguence

these theorems became more complicated each time we go more further in this hierarchy of universes

this sequence reach even the countably infinite ordinal (Ordinal number - Wikipedia ), and then when we go further than that it even reach the large cardinal numbers

the top of this hierarchy is a pure and arbitrary non-sense
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Voted neutral.
Eru Ilúvatar (Tolkien Legendarium) & Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo) win!
Eru Ilúvatar (Tolkien Legendarium) & Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo) win!
Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE) wins!
Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE) wins!
Self-Reference ENGINE (Self-Reference ENGINE) wins!