===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Classic Battle Royale

32 members

Created by Tigerking2020

Battle options


MoNsTeR 1 y 13 h 13 m
Classic Battle Royale - 32
56 months member
White Phoenix of the Crown white phoenix solo
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
show 2 replies
Tigerking2020 1 y 13 h 11 m
Classic Battle Royale - 32
56 months member
White Phoenix of the Crown Especially beating Raven
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Salen1110 1 y 8 h 52 m
Classic Battle Royale - 32
15 months member
White Phoenix of the Crown And people on the YouTube comments saying it makes sense that raven win
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
Dragonborn (End Game) (TES) wins!
Voted neutral.
Unicron (True Form) wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
White Phoenix of the Crown wins!
The Doctor (With Glory) (Doctor Who) wins!