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BatmanvsSolid Snake (MGS)

Created by mhenry01

30 / 83.3%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
5 / 13.9%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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HolyJoe 5 y 6 mo 7 d
Batman - vs - Solid Snake (MGS)
89 months member
Batman As much as I hate to say it, Batman wins this fight. Snake doesn't have a problem killing his enemies as Batman does, yet it's not gonna hinder Bats from winning.

Sure, Snake possesses an IQ of 180, knows six languages, and has done things like defeat Big Boss with nothing but a lighter and hairspray. Unfortunately, that pales in comparison to Batman being the second most intelligent human next to Lex Luthor, and we all know how dangerously intelligent Luthor is. Now, Snake is arguably stronger, faster, and tougher than Batman. However, it's really nothing new that Bruce has dealt with. Even if you were to give them preparation, Batman would make the most of it since he's been able to place Wonder Woman in an endless fight. Solid Snake is definitely a master of CQC, but he doesn't possess the same experience that Batman has in that field. Bruce has mastered over 127 martial arts, and that's more of the training than David's ever had.

In the end, David's outclassed.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 5 d ago.
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Oblivion 4 y 3 mo 12 h 48 m
Batman - vs - Solid Snake (MGS)
66 months member
Solid Snake (MGS) Well,cqc is arguably more effective than any of the martial arts bruce mastered,and with prep snake can bring rey and rex and rain nukes on Bruce,not even mentioning how many times more experienced snake is,in h2h combat he was able to beat liquid ocelot who is compareble to bats,he can harm volgin with weapons,can't see a single reason why he can't turn Bruce into a sponge.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 5 d ago.

Voting feed

Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Voted neutral.
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Solid Snake (MGS) wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Solid Snake (MGS) wins!
Solid Snake (MGS) wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Solid Snake (MGS) wins!
Solid Snake (MGS) wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!
Batman wins!