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God_of_Thunder 2 y 7 mo 29 d
Thor - vs - Imperiex
8+ year member
Imperiex Imperiex Prime is to concider a force of the universe and because of that may be called an Entity.
Entities in the Marvel universe is abstract beings of vast power representing diffrent aspects of the universe.
Imperiex is the embodiment of entropy and may be called a Low level Entity, they are even beyond Gods in power.
Perhaps the most powerful Gods called Skyfather is at the same powerlevel as the Low level Entities.
In the Marvel universe Gods and Demons are like two sides of a coin and vastly powerful species dwelling from alternate dimensions.
The two species are magical in nature and also enemies to the end of time.
The most important diffrence between the species is the Demons hunger and need to prey upon lesser beings.
Gods do not have such needs and may prevail anyway, to be worshiped is someting desired though.
Mighty Thor is a cross breed Asgardian and Elder God the son of Odin and Gaea.
Because Gaea is his mother the dark degenerated old God and Demon Lord Chthon is his uncle.
Mighty Thor wields the most iconic magical weapon in mythology Mjolnir and is a warrior God once worshiped by people in Scandinavia and north europé.
I belive Mighty Thor who is a primary God of the Asgardian pantheon is underrated in this site.

If we suppose Mighty Thor will use all his vast powers versus Imperiex even the God blast and Warriors madness he will put up an incredible fight.
The battle would be of titanic proportion blows from Mjolnir with the force to destroy planets.
In the end Entities is the embodiment of the universe and beyond even Gods.
Mighty Thor a warrior and superhero will fight to the very end and be defeated not that diffrent from the battle versus Arishem the Judge.
How ever if this would be a comic book he would probably defeat Imperiex, Mighty Thor is the hero.
Perhaps the Avengers would help him out, the heroes defeat the villain and saves the universe.

If Mighty Thor controls the Odinforce at maximum levels he is powerful enough to be about Imperiex equal.
When being the lord of Asgard and replacing Odin, Mighty Thor will of course be even more powerful.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.
SirSpidey 2 y 7 mo 30 d
Thor - vs - Imperiex
8+ year member
Thor I'd assume Thor could just Godblast, based on the Respect Thread I read on Imperiex.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.
remy94 2 y 7 mo 30 d
Thor - vs - Imperiex
8+ year member
Imperiex @God_of_Thunder I'd like to know your thoughts on this battle?
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.

Voting feed

Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Thor wins!
Imperiex wins!
Imperiex wins!
Thor wins!
Thor wins!