===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Rune King ThorvsHercules (God of Gods)

Created by MisterB

84 / 56.4%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
59 / 39.6%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

Battle options


Zoom 1 y 1 mo 15 d
Rune King Thor - vs - Hercules (God of Gods)
96 months member
Hercules (God of Gods) Chaos War Hercules he restored the Multiverse so he wins IMO he is also more Versatile
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
ManofPower 1 y 7 mo 10 d
Rune King Thor - vs - Hercules (God of Gods)
78 months member
Rune King Thor This is an interesting matchup. I'd side with RKT simply due to the fact of what TWSAIS are. RKT's fate/prophecy hax might be enough
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Rage444 1 y 7 mo 10 d
Rune King Thor - vs - Hercules (God of Gods)
40 months member
Hercules (God of Gods) Fighting Chaos King>>>♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️everything Rune King thor has done.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Voted neutral.
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Voted neutral.
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Voted neutral.
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Voted neutral.
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Voted neutral.
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Voted neutral.
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Hercules (God of Gods) wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!
Rune King Thor wins!