===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

The Living TribunalvsCosmic Armor Superman

Created by 10earthquakes

92 / 73.6%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
31 / 24.8%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

Battle options


Ambush 5 mo 22 h 42 m
The Living Tribunal - vs - Cosmic Armor Superman
7 months member
The Living Tribunal The Tribunal Stomps
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Rotemeg 9 mo 21 d
The Living Tribunal - vs - Cosmic Armor Superman
19 months member
The Living Tribunal T.L.T
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
mkelley291 2 y 8 mo 27 d
The Living Tribunal - vs - Cosmic Armor Superman
35 months member
The Living Tribunal The Living tribunal one shots cosmic armor superman, but don't get me wrong, CAS is awesome, but the living tribunal is just too much for CAS.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.

Voting feed

The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Voted neutral.
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Voted neutral.
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
Cosmic Armor Superman wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!
The Living Tribunal wins!