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Hela (MCU)vsApocalypse (EMCU)

Created by Rajneesh26477

15 / 33.3%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
29 / 64.4%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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Rajneesh26477 1 y 3 mo 5 d
Hela (MCU) - vs - Apocalypse (EMCU)
16 months member
Hela (MCU) Curbstomp!!
(As long as Asgard is there)(I don't mean the battle to take place in asgard but just that Asgard is present somewhere)
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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ViolaisBayonetta 1 y 3 mo 4 d
Hela (MCU) - vs - Apocalypse (EMCU)
19 months member
Apocalypse (EMCU) Except Apocalypse can absorb her immortality. Imprison her with molecular manipulation and absorb her making him more immortalish, more durable and gaining weapon manifesting powers.

Apocalyypse in raw power is far above Hela that's for sure. Pyramid building, turning whole Cairo to dust to form pyramid on molecular level, amping Charles's telepathy to planetary level, causing global Earthquake by awakening and making Storm super powerhouse (able to even desintegrate his force field/teleport bubble)
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
ViolaisBayonetta 1 y 3 mo 2 d
Hela (MCU) - vs - Apocalypse (EMCU)
19 months member
Apocalypse (EMCU) @HeartLesS

Same Uru which superior form can be melt by 40 000 K star heat ?

Surviving explosion of star sounds cool but requires much more detailed info besides random fairy tale book bought by Selvig.

THat neutron star was weak. No gravity, no magnetic field, no radiation which should roast Groot and rocket, temperature not hot enough to burn groot's branches (proves Stormbreaker has tiny heat capacity). Stormbreaker only received tiny fraction of star radiation to melt it with 40 000 K temperature (that how smithies work).

THis is exactly why i prefer feats portrayed by characters themselves than random scaling.

Inb4 scaling to Dude Bro THor from What If, this scaling isn't reliable because timeline was very different and nobody knows how Thor became that powerful to throw each other across countires (still less impressive to match even strongest minion of Nur Eric Lensher, same Eric who is casually planetary magnetokinetic)
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Voted neutral.
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Hela (MCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!
Apocalypse (EMCU) wins!