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92 / 80.7%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
19 / 16.7%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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Tyrannus 2 mo 12 d
Wolverine - vs - Sabretooth
69 months member
Sabretooth Here's what the creator, writer and #1 expert on the 2 had to say about the relationship between them;

"Father and son. That's why Sabretooth always considered Logan "sloppy seconds" to his "original" / "real deal." The other critical element in my presentation of their relationship was that, in their whole life, Logan has never defeated Sabretooth in a knock-down, drag-out, kill-or-be-killed berserker fight. By the same token, on every one of his birthdays, Sabretooth has always managed to find him, no matter where Logan was or what he was doing, and come within an inch of killing him. For no other reason than to remind him that he could".
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Hitchiker 3 y 15 h 54 m
Wolverine - vs - Sabretooth
58 months member
Neutral This matchup was much better in the ‘ old days’. Fights aren’t about who is more powerful overall. It’s about matchups. When Logan had adamantium and Victor didn’t ( I’m not up to date on Sabretooth) the metal made Wolverine a threat to much more powerful opponents because of his ability to deal damage and resistance to Hulk level blunt force. Sabertooth would never be threat to Hulk… bad matchup. That said Creed was a lethal threat to Wolverine beacause without the metal he was faster, stronger with a healing factor at least on par because his wasn’t constantly dealing with adamantium poisoning. Victor’s claws while not adamantium are plenty strong enough to gut Logan as well as if they were. I’m old school and believe Creed should get at least 50% of the wins. Bad matchup for Wolverine. Logan’s superior skill evens it out.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Tyrannus 2 mo 12 d
Wolverine - vs - Sabretooth
69 months member
Sabretooth In the old days Wolverine never won at all. He's only ever won against clones or while using the murumasa blade.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Voted neutral.
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!
Sabretooth wins!
Wolverine wins!