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Lionman (Standard)vsPrincess Aqua

Created by Dellmamy45

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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TheNemianLion 5 y 10 mo 27 d
Lionman (Standard) - vs - Princess Aqua
94 months member
not voted Lionman is in hiding after taking a rib injury protecting the Miso Gem, most of his team has either been taken in or turned, Lionman was in Delta base of operations as he only recently entered, he went into a deep bunker in the dark as he walked down the hallways he smelt someone he pulled out his sword as laser guns, robots, some bombs etc unleashed, however, with minimal struggle he dispatched the defences, he huffed and puffed as a laser shot hit him in his rib wound, his armour had been destroyed after fighting off Star Storms entire team, when Heartstone defeated Bravesoul, Storms and Stone double teamed Lionman before Keystone, Nosferatu and Flamer joined in before in the last ditch effort Obliviate and Khreap teleported Lionman to the Sahara and the rest of the opposing team across the universe.

Lionman was walking past the hallways as it was in lockdown, he punched the door but it wouldn't open, he was the one who designed these systems "Well... Damn... I should have known I'd become my worst enemy..." he slowly looked back and approaching him was his once friend, Sam Smith, the two of them had quite a lot of respect for each other, until Aqua changed her side to align with Storms mid battle

"Sam, you know that I like you, you're one of the better ones, and you know I don't want to hurt you but... Look we can just talk about this-"

Lionman was cut off by Aqua "Quiet... I don't want this to be harder than it needs to be, as long as you're holding that weapon of destruction you can't be active... Storms ordered me to put you down... I'm sorry Daniel...

Lionman dropped his sword frowning "Alright, Judas, do with what you will" Putting his hands up preparing a fight as Aqua matched the frown readying herself for this one on one battle
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Dellmamy45 5 y 10 mo 25 d
Lionman (Standard) - vs - Princess Aqua
92 months member
Princess Aqua Princess Aqua: Oh we gonna fight oh right.
(Princess Aqua put her hand in a fighting stance waiting to attack. Meanwhile Star Strom is watching Princess Aqua every move on a surveillance camera.)

Lionman: You know Aqua we could of worked well together.

Princess Aqua : Sorry I don't work well with trader.
(Princess Aqua takes her Communicator out of her ear and destroys it in her fist. Star Storm is very confuse.)

Star Strom: Hello, Princess Aqua are you there.... Damnit. Flamer and Ice Age go check it out now!

(Flamer and Iceage runs out the door. Meanwhile Lionman looks confuse.)

Lionman: I thought you didnt like traders?

Princess Aqua: I don't hints why I'm not fighting you. Also you should probably get that rib checked out.

(Lionman holds on to his ribs. Princess Aqua goes over to touch it but he slaps his hands in self defense. )

Princess Aqua: I'm not going to attack you. I'm here to help you.

Lionman: Why should I believe you?
Princess Aqua: Remember when wireback kidnapped me and try to drain all my powers?
Princess Aqua: Welp that day I swore I will forever be in your debt. So call use even.

(Lionman looks with a defeated happy smile of relief. Princess Aqua waves her hands created a magical water energy beam covering the rib wound healing him up. Lionman stand up feeling brand knew.

Lionman: You know Star Storm not gonna forgive you right?

Princess Aqua: I'm hero first friend second. You taught me that. Now go! He should be here with back up in any minute. Go!

(Lionman gets up and runs away. Just jolts back and turn around.)

Lionman: Thanks I really appreciate it.
Princess Aqua: Anytime now go!
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Dellmamy45 5 y 10 mo 27 d
Lionman (Standard) - vs - Princess Aqua
92 months member
Princess Aqua I love a girl with a mystery. 😍😍😍😍 although I will say she have a great respect for Lionman but she no fool she wont hold back that's for sure.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Princess Aqua wins!