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Galactus & OdinvsThor & Bor Burison

Created by TheSuspect666

Battle options


Clint_Barton 5 y 26 d
Galactus & Odin - vs - Thor & Bor Burison
66 months member
Thor & Bor Burison Thor admitted he can't even survive single hit of Bor without Odinforce, which puts Bor vastly above Odin (Thor survived few hits of Odin and Zeus), and Odin is equal to Moderately Fed Galactus. Bor solos.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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booyah 4 y 10 mo 11 d
Galactus & Odin - vs - Thor & Bor Burison
61 months member
Galactus & Odin Bor gave Rune King Thor a good fight and was at the verge of killing him but unfortunately lost. What stand do Galactus and Odin stand against Rune King thor. I agree with you, easy stomp
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
DevyEZ 4 y 9 mo 10 d
Galactus & Odin - vs - Thor & Bor Burison
63 months member
Galactus & Odin Bor never fought with Rune King Thor, boi.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Thor & Bor Burison win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Thor & Bor Burison win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Galactus & Odin win!
Thor & Bor Burison win!
Thor & Bor Burison win!
Thor & Bor Burison win!