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Hulk & SentryvsThor & Hyperion

Created by Odinson_831

Battle options


Tyrannus 4 y 10 mo 9 d
Hulk & Sentry - vs - Thor & Hyperion
69 months member
Hulk & Sentry I was the one who created this battle. Not sure how it's changed to Odinson_831
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Tyrannus 5 y 13 d
Hulk & Sentry - vs - Thor & Hyperion
69 months member
Hulk & Sentry This could and should actually happen in comics. They both have close friendships with their teammates while also having rivalries with the opposing team
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!
Hulk & Sentry win!