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Devil HulkvsTeam Hawkeye

Created by Dhruv

20 / 60.6%
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Savage 3 y 10 mo 12 d
Devil Hulk - vs - Team Hawkeye
49 months member
Team Hawkeye wtf is this
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Taurus 4 y 1 mo 13 d
Devil Hulk - vs - Team Hawkeye
55 months member
Devil Hulk Devil Hulk >>> WWH >>> Hulk >= Sentry >= Thor >= Hercules > Wanda >>> Carol >= Iron Man > Cap > Widow >= Hawkeye

To put things in perspective:
Normal Hulk has one-shotted Carol every time they fight (2 IICR).
WWH has beaten Sentry.
Devil Hulk also casually one-shotted Thor (IICR a stronger than normal version).
Hulk has great showings against Hercules.
And Kluh, Hulk's Hulk KO'd Wanda just by telling her to "try harder" (kinda irrelevant I know).
Also, see the scan @Dhruv presented below about how Devil Hulk stomps WWH, and @Tyrannus' comments on how he would stomp Savage Hulk and Joe Fixit/Grey Hulk.
Last edited: 4 y 1 mo 13 d ago.
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Dhruv 4 y 1 mo 13 d
Devil Hulk - vs - Team Hawkeye
53 months member
Devil Hulk Probably the best comparison one can give with these heroes
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Voted neutral.
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Team Hawkeye wins!
Devil Hulk wins!
Devil Hulk wins!