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Breaker of WorldsvsTeam Alien X (Ben 10)

Created by UnusOf2029

30 / 69.8%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

Battle options


UnusOf2029 3 y 7 mo 3 d
Breaker of Worlds - vs - Team Alien X (Ben 10)
45 months member
Neutral Ight time to explain something. As stated by MoA multiple CS can stop an Omniversal or Timeline Destruction.
"But, if a group of Celestialsapiens got together and were able to agree internally and externally to combat the planet, they would all be able to survive. The answer is the same for Omniversal and Timeline destruction. If the Celetialsapiens were aware that either was coming and formed a group that could agree in advance to bond their power, they would survive"
Meaning in basic sense that if there are more CS then they greater a force they can combat.
@Monster @Chijb @masterking2 @ALien_X @supersomebody
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Alien_X 3 y 7 mo 3 d
Breaker of Worlds - vs - Team Alien X (Ben 10)
55 months member
Neutral The only problem here is: Reboot Alien X is fodder.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
UnusOf2029 3 y 7 mo 3 d
Breaker of Worlds - vs - Team Alien X (Ben 10)
45 months member
Neutral But he is still a CS and since they exist outside the multiverse he wouldn't be affected by the reboot nerfing. He is a weak CS yes but is one nonetheless. @Alien_X
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Voted neutral.
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Voted neutral.
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!
Team Alien X (Ben 10) wins!
Breaker of Worlds wins!