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Mind Flayer (Stranger Things)vsVecna (Stranger Things)

Created by LadyGaladriel1212

10 / 27.8%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
23 / 63.9%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

Battle options


KnightOfWundagore 1 y 1 mo 20 d
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) - vs - Vecna (Stranger Things)
13 months member
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) Mind Flayer has better feats. One single tendril from the Mind Flayer poking through from the upside down took everything Eleven had to resist (this being an older and more experienced Eleven than the one who earlier beat Vecna). Heck, the Mind Flayer's meat-monstrosity, powered by the fraction of it that got cut off when Eleven closed the portal in the S2 Finale, was powerful enough to completely overwhelm her and turn her powers off outright. Vecna has never been THAT much more powerful than Eleven.

At the end of the day the MF is still an unknowable eldritch entity from another dimension while Vecna is just a psychotic dude with superpowers and disfigurement, lol. Would not be shocked if the MF is just playing along with Vecna's plan so it can hit a ride out of the Upside Down and invade a new dimension... the nightmare vision alluded to a giant monster coming through
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
mtrindadc 1 y 4 mo 21 d
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) - vs - Vecna (Stranger Things)
59 months member
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) The series already say vecna is like the general of Mind Flayer... (mind flayer is like "the boss")..The Mind Flayer exercised supreme control of the Upside Down via a psychic link, with Demogorgons, vines, and Demobats forming a shared hive mind.. he also give power to vecna..

Last edited: 1 y 4 mo 21 d ago.
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Tyrannus 1 y 4 mo 21 d
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) - vs - Vecna (Stranger Things)
69 months member
Vecna (Stranger Things) I think you've misinterpreted this scene. The Mind Flayer didn't give Henry his powers, Henry controlled it and acted through the entity. That's why 11 Eleven says it was you all along.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Voted neutral.
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Voted neutral.
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Voted neutral.
Mind Flayer (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!
Vecna (Stranger Things) wins!