===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Classic Battle Royale

16 members

Created by xrpl320

9 / 47.4%

Battle options


No comments since 2019-01-01.

Voting feed

God (Dark Tower) wins!
The Fireman (Twin Peaks Verse) wins!
Voted neutral.
Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos) wins!
Voted neutral.
The One-Above-All wins!
Voted neutral.
The Presence wins!
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.
Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos) wins!
The One-Above-All wins!
The One-Above-All wins!
The One-Above-All wins!
Eru Ilúvatar (Tolkien Legendarium) wins!
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.
Voted neutral.