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Classic Battle Royale

36 members

Created by Manx

Battle options


Poe 1 y 9 mo 5 d
Classic Battle Royale - 36
66 months member
Hulk Huge Battle Royal scenarios like this really benefit Hulk so even tho I don’t think he’s the most powerful I think he wins
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
MoNsTeR 1 y 11 mo 21 d
Classic Battle Royale - 36
56 months member
Hulk Hulk goes brr
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Delinquent 1 y 11 mo 21 d
Classic Battle Royale - 36
25 months member
not voted Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer, and Doctor Strange STOMP this roster. I cannot believe you people think sentry and Hulk beat those guys. Absolute face palm
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.

Voting feed

Thor wins!
Doctor Strange wins!
Hulk wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Silver Surfer wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Voted neutral.
Clea wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Hulk wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Silver Surfer wins!
Blue Marvel wins!
Sentry wins!
Hulk wins!
Hulk wins!
Scarlet Witch wins!
Hulk wins!
Scarlet Witch wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Silver Surfer wins!
Hulk wins!
Ghost Rider wins!
Sentry wins!
Sentry wins!
Thor wins!
Hulk wins!
Voted neutral.
Sentry wins!