===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Michael Myers (Halloween)vsNight Watcher

Created by ultron

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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ultron 1 y 7 mo 13 d
Michael Myers (Halloween) - vs - Night Watcher
80 months member
Night Watcher @Yes @Galactus @Ezio this are nightwatcher his feats

-outruns blood racers car

- dodges automatic gun fire

- sliced a a sniper rifle bullet in half

- was able to outrun a flying golden eagle who can fly 255 meters a second

- was fast enough to react to a lightning bolt caused by the goblin king

- dodges an tracking rocket launcher


- breaks a thugs shotgun through half with ease

- makes a thugh fly 10 feet into the air with an uppercut

- kicks bloodracers car on its side

- punches a thug through a concrete wall

- overpowered and matched strength with commander russia for A few seconds (who is able to stop a plane from taking of with only his bodyweight)

- broke through the golden eagles armor and overpowerd him (who is able to lift 75 tons)

- broke a guys neck with an uppercut

- punched a speeding car making it lose control and crash

- his suit gives him enhanched strength

- punches a thug hard enough he breaks a tree through half on in impact

- broke bullet proof glass with one punch

- kicks a armed thug in the air

- holds a two arm held sword with one arm

- breaks a robbers skull through armor

- pulls the golden eagle out of the air


- survived and endured a explosive bullet shot by black death from a rifle while his suit was damaged

- doesnt even care blocking bullets as bullets dont do anything towards him

- his suit endures grenades

- a nuke severly hurts him but he survives

- getting put on fire does nothing

- a thug tries to ram him with a semi truck but the nightwatcher pushes the truck back before shooting the thugh in the head

- survives a point blank shot by a shotgun

- survives getting shot by an rpg point blank


- is a master of all firearms

- is a master in sword combat

- has mastered even bow combat

- has mastered acient combat styles that were lost in time

- won a 1v20 without his suit


- gets shot in the head point blank severly hurting him but he keeps fighting

- endures a explosive bullet from black death against his weakend suit

- fights 15 ninjas while his arm is broken

- survives 2 months without food water or shelter in the middle of antartica without a suit

- survives underwater for 35 minutes without an suit


- won a 1v15 against ninjas while his arm was broken

- won against the gladiator in a sword fight

- is an expert marksman

- shot a sniper thug with a pistol from 5 km away

- killed 10 zombies with one well placed shot

- won a 1v80 against zombies
Last edited: 1 y 7 mo 13 d ago.

Voting feed

Night Watcher wins!
Night Watcher wins!
Night Watcher wins!
Night Watcher wins!