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These are the 50 latest comments made by Amirzolfaghary

49 months member
Kratos (Norse Mythology) (GoW) @rotemeg8gmailcom you act like you would understand if i gave you proof of why kratos wins, I'm not even sure that you know which is the latest god of war game, you expect me to tire myself?
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
49 months member
He can use it outside of valhalla, but for the fun and gameplay, it's like saying kratos has his younger-self skin so he has that powers as well, the legacy rage was only made from kratos's memories from his past in valhalla, the real blade of Olympus is not summoned by him.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
49 months member
@MoNsTeR the blade of Olympus is only usable because of valhalla and it's effects based on kratos's mind and memories, it is usable in the base game too but only for gameplay and amusement, kratos doesn't have any access to the real blade of Olympus.
So he is still weaker than his younger self in terms of power.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.