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En Sabah Nur

Alternate Age of Apocalypse

Apocalypse's powers and abilities

Apocalypse has constantly evolved to survive, increasing his powers over the centuries. His original ability to control his molecular structure was augmented by Celestial technology and further enhanced through the Celestial armor to become the Evolutionary Caretaker. He was also exposed to at least two different techno-organic viruses over the years, which he assimilated and made his own.

Apocalypse has demonstrated the following powers and abilities:

Virtual Immortality

Apocalypse's original body was immortal, even before being modified by the Celestial ship, he had lived for thousands of years. Apocalypse can enter a coma-like state of suspended animation during which he may recover from any wounds with the assistance of his Celestial technology. The down side of his altering by the Celestials and his enhancement was that the techno-organic virus needed to allow this to happen ravaged his body requiring him to find new ones over the years. Though he has been put out of commission or seemingly destroyed for various periods of time, Apocalypse can not be permanently killed. His molecular rearrangement ability has allowed him to constantly renew his cells, thus he is unable to age.

Superhuman Strength

Apocalypse possesses superhuman strength that he can further increase by drawing upon outside energy sources; Apocalypse was shown to be strong enough to physically restrain the Hulk, while the Hulk was separated from Banner and explicitly lacked the ability to increase his strength with his rage, but also had a stronger base level. Hence, Apocalypse is capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons.

Superhuman Speed

By infusing his body with energy he is able to speed up his reflexes and reaction time in which to seemingly move at super speeds. It is this ability that allows him to counteract others with super-speed powers themselves.

Superhuman Durabilitiy

Apocalypse is highly resistant to injury. With the Celestial modifications, his resistance to harm was amplified, making him virtually impervious to harm.


Apocalypse can teleport himself and others around vast distances across the planet and has shown the ability to teleport an entire fortress with him while leaving those within behind.


Apocalypse possesses telekinetic abilities enabling him to levitate himself, or others, by sheer force of will and manipulate living beings, inanimate objects, and to some extent energy, psionically.


Apocalypse can enable himself to fly, by either transforming his arms into wings, jets, or through telekinetic use. He can achieve supersonic velocity in this manner.

Psionic Manipulation

At various times Apocalypse has demonstrated differing but vast levels of mental capacity.


He's also an accomplished mentalist of undefined extent. An example of his power would be him battling a weakened Jean Grey (a vastly powerful telepath in her own right) within the psyche space of Baby Nathan and win.

Telepathic Control & Manipulation:

He's able to project his own thoughts and memories or read those of others in order to glean and impart whatever information he desires from them.


Thanks to his synergy with the Celestial Technology bonded to him, due in part to his paradoxical jaunt of afflicting Cable with the T.O Virus, Apocalypse gained the ability to mentally link with and control most any kind of tech and machinery he could reach out too.

Self-Molecular Manipulation

Apocalypse has control over the molecular structure of his own body and can alter it at will. This means he can adapt his molecular structure to adversity. Apocalypse can perform the following feats:

  • Biomorphing: Apocalypse is also a non-terrestrial metamorph, able to elongate like taffy, change into machinery, separate & reattach his own body parts, and even alter his physical appearance at will to blend in with the world around him.

  • Healing factor: Apocalypse's control over his bodily molecules allows for his regenerative abilities. But Apocalypse when sustaining immense amount of damage that not even he can heal, he can enter a coma-like state of suspended animation during which he may recover from any wounds with the assistance of his Celestial technology.

  • Size Alteration: Apocalypse is able to change his size at will; he can increase or decrease the size of his body by taking on additional mass or ridding of it from a presumably extra-dimensional source.

Self-Power Bestowal

Due to En Sabah's total control over his molecular and sub-molecular structure, further bolstered by the Celestial technology augmenting him, he can also consciously or spontaneously grant himself with a wide array of new superpowers at will.

Celestial Energy Manipulation

Apocalypse seems to have a range of energy harnessing and projecting capabilities, either naturally derived or based on Celestial technology built into his physical frame. He can use these metaphysical forces to accomplish a great many facilities; such as illusion & memory conjuration, matter reconstruction, healing as well as total physical restoration of damaged or destroyed bodily tissues.

  • Energy Blasts: Apocalypse can project raw destructive energy from anywhere on his person, be it as concussive blasts from extremities or even full body energy waves.

  • Energy Absorption: He can also absorb energy from outside sources to augment both himself and his overall power.

  • Force-Fields: Apocalypse is able to create nearly impenetrable force fields.

  • Energy Transfer: In his time as Murshir, En Sabah found he could share his celestial force with other individuals to enhance their abilities. Similar to how Galactus imparts his power cosmic upon a chosen herald.

  • Energy Beams: Apocalypse can shoot powerful beams of energy from his eyes.


Apocalypse possesses transmutation abilities, as some of his descendants have already proven being capable of.

Blood of Apocalypse

Apocalypse's techno-organic blood has many unique properties. It was also used on Chamber to heal the hole that has existed in his chest since his powers first manifested and re-power him after he lost his powers during M-Day along with and Apocalypse look, of grey skin and blue lips. He was stated to be a potential Omega-Class mutant by Pete Wisdom, after he was repowered by Apocalypse's blood.


Apocalypse is not only immortal like these rare subspecies of mutants, but shares a telepathic-link with his fellow Externals that allows them to not only sense each other and where, but can call on each other at will from great distances. He is also able to sense when one rises from their first death and when one is killed by another External. Like the others, Apocalypse has shown to be able to resurrect himself in various ways, but do to being enhanced by Celestial technology and Techno-Organic Virus, he has been able to come back in unique ways from the other Externals.


Super-Genius Intelligence: Apocalypse is a genius, a level of which humanity cannot comprehend and has knowledge of certain areas of biology, primarily genetic engineering and mutation, and technology that are far in advance of contemporary science and technology. This was not merely a result of his exposure to alien technology, as he was able to make significant new advances beyond the alien materials to which he was exposed.

Omnilingual: En Sabah Nur is fluent in all of human language from across history, including Celestial.