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Apostles's History

"Messiah", the Dragon Deity who governs creation; "Gyze", the Dragon Deity who governs destruction. In ancient times, the two deities fought to claim the futures of two planets. The fight between the symbols of hope and despair exerted influence on the planets they fought for, and eventually involved the inhabitant lifeforms. Messiah was assisted by numerous warriors of the light, including the first "Blademaster Fides". Gyze's forces were composed of its own apostles like "Gastille", as well as the mighty beings "Zeroth Dragons" fabricated by Gyze itself. Gyze turned Cray into an abyss of despair, and grew more powerful by feeding on negative thoughts. Messiah took countermeasures by encountering righteous warriors from another planet and earned their support. At last, the war ended in Messiah's victory. Apostle "Valeos", the first Grand Admiral, was defeated by Fides. Apostle "Gredora" was forced to retreat. The two losses enfeebled Gyze's forces, a crucial factor of Gyze's eventual defeat. The fight was known as "Giant Disaster" or "The Cataclysm", but the stories were only handed down in verbal traditions by a few. Incidentally, the new religion movement "Cult of Gyze" emerged post-war. None at that time figured out, that the cult was but a smokescreen of Gastille's grandiose scheme of Gyze's resurrection.