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Galactus 1 y 6 mo 19 d
Archie Horror #
@Keb03 You requested a Sabrina Verse. Is it different from this one?
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.
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Keb03 1 y 6 mo 18 d
Archie Horror #
@Galactus I actually forgot I had requested a Sabrina the Teenage Witch TV show verse. But, to be completely honest the comics and tv shows, albeit have many differences in such as plots, how magic is used and viewed, rules of magic and beings, and much more, there are just too many similarities to really depict it as different. One could argue that is can be seen as how the MCU has its differences from the marvel comics and such...but like I said, there are really too many similarities to even try to argue about, in my personal opinion. I have also only read a very few amount of the comic version, so I am falling back on extensive google research.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.
Keb03 1 y 6 mo 18 d
Archie Horror #
@Galactus Just happened to remember why I requested it, which was because of the characters. I wanted to add Vesta Spellman, Edward Spellman, Irma Spellman, Amada Wiccan, Dreama, etc. and etc. These characters are not originally from the comic series, at least according to my research, and that is why I wanted to add the STW 1996 verse.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 4 d ago.