Names of all male superheroes
Complete list of all male superheroes
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 6149 male superheroes in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Warlock (Infinity Entity)Adam WarlockEarth-19141
- Warlock (Infinity Gauntlet)Adam WarlockEarth-616
- WarnadoSkylanders
- WarpathJames ProudstarEarth-616
- WasabiBH6
- WashingtonRVB
- WaspHank PymEarth-616
- WatcherUatuEarth-616
- WaveAGK
- WayzzMiracuverse
- WeathermanHenry BendixThe Wild Storm
- WebJohn RaymondNew Earth
- WebsterWebsterEarth-423
- WedgeFF VII
- WegoKP
- WesEarth-17372
- WhampireVladat
- WheelerCPatP
- WheeljackWheeljack (Que)TCU
- WhitebeardEdward NewgateOP
- WhizzerRobert ColemanMCU
- WhizzerBob FrankEarth-616
- WiccanBilly KaplanEarth-616
- WiccanBilly KaplanMCU
- WildaBakugan
- WildcatTed GrantNew Earth
- WildebeestWildebeestTeen Titans
- WildfireDrake BurroughsNew Earth
- WildfireTeen Titans
- WildmuttVulpimancer
- WillardSirius The Jaeger
- WinfieldDemonbane
- WinnetouWinnetouWinnetou
- WinterWinterWings Of Fire Universe
- WireEarth-17372
- WitherKevin FordEarth-616
- WizgizWinx Club Universe
- WolfSekiroSekiro
- WolfurioBakugan
- WolverineLoganEarth-616
- WolverineJames HowlettMAU
- WolverineJames HowlettEarth-8096
- WolverineJames HowlettEarth-9997
- WolverineLoganEarth-92131
- WolverineLoganEarth-13122
- WolverineJames HowlettEarth-90214
- WolverineJames HowlettEarth-13133
- WolverineLoganEMCU
- WolverineLoganEarth-41252
- WolverineLoganMCU
- Wolverine (Asgardian Armored)James HowlettEarth-616
- Wolverine (Cosmic Radiation)LoganEarth-616
- Wolverine (Power Of The Beyonder)LoganEarth-616
- WongWongMCU
- WongWongEarth-616
- WongEarth-TRN840
- WoodySheriff WoodyKingdom Hearts
- WoodySheriff WoodyToy Story
- WoofsterWoofsterSuper Why
- WorfWorf, son of MoghStar Trek
- WormmonWormmonDigimon
- WraithZak-Del
- WreckerStar Wars
- WrenWrenPhantasy Star
- WukongKongLoL
- WulfgarWulfgarDAD
- WulfgarTES
- XellosSlayers
- XiaoXiaoGenshin Impact
- XibalbaXibalba
- XolumXolumMCU
- XulHots
- XuppuMiracuverse
- YamatoNaruto
- YamchaXenoverse
- YamchaYamchaDB
- Yamcha (Mini)YamchaDB
- YangFF IV
- YangusDragon Quest
- YasukeYasukeAC
- YatoNoragami
- YellowjacketHank PymEarth-616
- YetiDU
- YodaYodaStar Wars
- YodaYodaSWL
- Yoda (Force Ghost)YodaStar Wars
- YogiKarneval
- YoneYoneLoL
- YonkichiYonkichiOnC
- YoseiYōseiMtG
- YoshiGreen YoshiMario
- YoshimitsuYoshimitsuTekken
- YugoYu-Gi-Oh!
- YugoWakfu
- Yugo (unlocked power)Wakfu
- YukineNoragami
- YuliySirius The Jaeger
- YumichikaYumichika AyasegawaBleach
- YunYotD
- YunanMagi
- YunoYuno GrinberryallBC
- Yuno (Spirit of Boreas)Yuno GrinberryallBC
- YuruYomi No Tsugai
- YushiroDemon Slayer
- ZabuZabuMAU
- ZacZaun Amorphous CombatantLoL
- ZachZachSky High
- ZackX5-599Dark Angel
- ZadkielZadkielArrowverse
- ZaneZaneNinjago
- Zane (Dragon Form)ZaneNinjago
- ZangetsuBloodstained
- ZangetsuBleach
- ZangiefStreet Fighter
- ZanthZanthEarth-794282
- ZapSkylanders
- ZataraJohn ZataraYoung Justice
- ZataraGiovanni ZataraEarth 96
- ZaurielZaurielNew Earth
- ZegaiSuikoden
- ZekuStreet Fighter
- ZelgadisZelgadis GraywordsSlayers
- ZenoZenoYotD
- ZenthonBakugan
- ZeroDWN-?: Zero
- ZeusZeusNew Earth
- ZeusZeus PanhelleniosEarth-616
- ZeusZeusWotT
- ZeusBOZ
- ZeusZeusDCEU
- ZeusHercules
- ZeusImmortals
- ZeusReal Steel
- ZeusZeusRebirth
- ZeusPJO
- ZeusZeusGreekMyth
- Zeus (Reborn)Zeus PanhelleniosEarth-616
- ZhongliMoraxGenshin Impact
- ZielWillverse
- ZileanZilean Icath'unLoL
- ZohanZohanele
- ZombiemanSubject No. 66OPM
- ZookSkylanders
- ZorroDon Diego De La VegaZorroTV
- ZorroDon Alejandro De La VegaZorro
- ZukoZukoAvatar
- Zuko (Comet)ZukoAvatar
- ZweigZweigSuikoden
- ZymAzymondiasDPU