There are 4476 Original Characters on SHDb.
- Meme Lord
- Meme Lord
- Mentalis (Star Flash Universe)Henry Holmes
- Mer-Man
- Meras (Star Flash Universe)Shawn Styles
- Merlyn Michaelson
- Messanger Of The Dead World
- Messias (Matured)
- Meta (TransConception)?
- Meta Angelo
- Meta-sembly (Earth one)CJ
- Metal Man
- Metatron
- Meteor
- MeteorAlex
- Meteor MashLara Wayne
- Miaghtha (SigmundVerse)TheLight
- MichaelMichael
- MichaelSakato Shoji
- MichaelMichael Varland
- Michael (Power gloves)
- Michael Hudson
- Michael Lockwood
- Micheal (Experiment 00Z)Experiment 00Z
- Microcosmic
- MicromanHenry Davenport
- MidasRaja
- MidasMidas
- MidnightHanna
- Midnight JonesMaxwell Jones
- Midnight Starwhisper
- Midori
- Midoriya Jadestorm
- Midwest GoriderJohnathan Smokeson
- MightenGaleBrianna Gale
- Mighty Arctic Camel
- Mighty Thunder Ape
- Mighty(Ultimate)ShinoruUltimate
- MiguelMiguel The Archangel
- Miguel LimaMiguel Lima
- Mikaeus Of Gavony (MtG)Mikaeus
- Mike FuryMichael
- MilesMiles Prower
- MilitiaLuke Horford
- Milo (Redacted Universe)Milo Greer
- Mimic (Vita Carnis)Mimic
- Mina
- MinamiMinami Daitokuji
- Mind QueenSelina Griffin
- Mindprobe
- Minho CraneMinho Crane
- Minimize
- Minions Of The Multiverse
- Mira FlameheartMiralay
- Mirage
- MirageJackson Quinton
- Mirage (Flyovers)Tobias Norton
- MiralayMiralay
- Miroku
- Mirror HunterBautista Baumann
- MirrorMindReflin Mindson
- Miss. EleganceZoe
- Mist
- Mister Arctic
- Mister Arctic (Bear God)
- Mister Deathjohn lewis
- Mister Molecule
- Mister MysterySheldon Murphy
- Mister StaminaPatrick Hardwood
- Mister TurtleJohnny Turtle
- Mistress MagicCeleste
- Mistress Of MadnessAbigail
- MitaliaJean Griffin
- Mithion (Star Flash Universe)Mark Mithion
- Mitra
- Miyoko Fukihara
- Miyu
- Mizako NokamiGreat Darkness
- Mizuki Sato (Original)Mizuki
- Modred The MysticModred
- Mohika
- Moises Amaro Pantoja (Taylors)Moresus Aroma Panel
- Molecu ManHarsh Mereki Basra
- MoleculeThomas Larson
- Mom
- Mom ManMom
- MomentumMartin Freedman
- Monad (Monad)
- Monarch
- MonkeyMaksi Moonkey
- Monolith (Vita Carnis)Monolith
- Monolith (Vita Carnis)Elder Mimic
- MonsterUnknown
- Monster House
- Montisea (The Last Left)Queen FlowerField
- Mony
- Moo
- Moon WarriorZayn Tomlinson
- MoonshadowRichie Mckenzie
- MorbidMorbid
- Morfoscale
- MorganGod Of Motion
- MorganethMorganeth
- Morgath The Earthshaker (The Werewolf Diaries)
- MorphosiaCesia Silbergeist
- MorskyaMarina
- Mortality
- Mosedema Offminn
- Mosquito
- Moss
- Mother Bear
- Mother NatureLilith
- Mother Nature
- Mother Void
- Mothman
- Mothman
- MothmanNicholas Jackson
- Motocross
- Mr Amazing (Eternal)Connor
- Mr Cockroacha (Pizza time)
- Mr Depressed
- Mr Droppy (Horrorverse)TheSomething
- Mr Jingle
- Mr Lock
- Mr Magic
- Mr Pizzle (HellBounders)Amoel
- Mr. AAlan Verdigo
- Mr. AnglerGregory Richards
- Mr. Big-Time
- Mr. Bubbz
- Mr. C (Carl)Carl
- Mr. Chainsaw (Base Version)
- Mr. EN
- Mr. GoldJim Hán
- Mr. MasterBobby Slash
- Mr. Mincer
- Mr. MorningstarLeon Morningstar
- Mr. Nobody
- Mr. OkJhon
- Mr. Samson (bloodlust)
- Mr. Space-Time
- Mr. Universe
- Mr.Blackie (New)Blackie
- Mr.Galactic
- Mri'thaMother
- Mrnat09Mrnat09
- Mrprimegun664Mike Johnson
- Mrs GalaxiaMaia Galact
- Mrs.InvincibleTenshi Marone
- Mrs.UniversalSammatha Jackson
- Ms. Omnipotent
- Ms. PsionicJean Aubert
- Ms. UniverseTia Shawqi Martinez
- Ms.Mom C
- Mucifer
- Muffin MasterMuffin
- Mugen No Sōzō-sei (Full Power)
- Muhittin
- Mulher Pantera (Terra 001)Talia Ali
- Mullig
- Mum
- Mumen Rider
- Muscle Man
- Mutalic
- Mutant Phoniex DarkTatiana
- Mutant VirusBryant Marlett
- Mutant XDiego Rivas
- My Internet Persona
- MykarpsoMykarpso
- Myself (Untrained/post-Christianity)
- Mysterious Man
- Mystra
- Mythical-God-of-Creations (M-G-O-C)-Mythical Creator
- Myx Sea
- Nades
- Nadia MarksIsaac
- Nagu Maga
- NalaeaNalaea Syvis
- Name
- Nameless
- NamelessGwen Davis
- Nameless
- Narukami Jigoku (Naru)Narukami
- NaskaHulin Barstson
- Natasha EspinosaNatasha Espinosa
- NateNate
- NathanNathan Starfall
- Nathaniel Rook
- Nathon (1.0)Nathon
- Natsumi (Date a live season 3)Kyouno Natsumi
- Nature BoyLuke
- NavaldirNavaldir
- Nebulon
- NecrowomanLyn-Vex
- Negative Velocity (Velocity Universe)Eobard Thawne
- Negaton
- NeithMiala Hunter
- NekaneNekane Stevens
- NemesisR.J.
- Nemis (Star Flash Universe)Andre Anderson
- NeonLili Kater
- Nephrozoan MasterDraven Tenebris
- Neptune
- Neutral (Zachariah Valentine)Zachariah Emmanuel Valentine
- Neutron Star
- NevenkeblaCharles
- Nevermore
- New ManThomas Newman Daly
- Newspaper ManNorman Paper
- Nexo
- Nexon
- Nexus
- NexusAlex
- NexusVictor Bennett
- Nexus Consciousness
- Neyatherance
- Nhojrepus
- Nicholas ArcNicholas
- Nick
- Nicky Van Helsing
- Nididah (1.0)Nidiah
- NighmanCalgenu McKay
- Night Claw
- Night GhostRenkoji Hanabi
- Night HunterSathar Toryvhallen
- Night OwlCory Hughes
- Night RiderJubetsu Shiban
- Night Watcher (/)Daniel Kutnetzsov
- NightbladeTalen Jace
- NightBlade (base form)Jack
- NightGuardPeyton
- NightknifeRobert Frost
- Nightknight
- NightlockAlexandra Hale
- Nightmare (The Source of Night Terrors)
- Nightmare DragonDragnulos Bucula
- Nightmare Fueler
- Nightmare Joshbear (0.01)
- NightwatchLuke Shade
- NightWielderUnknown
- Nike
- Nikoali (1)Nikoali
- NikolajPH
- Ninja KittyPharyn Roller
- NinjorgiLouis Quinn
- Nipaled
- NishaNisha Valentinka