===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====



Dartz's powers and abilities

As the master of the Orichalcos, Dartz was granted powerful magical abilities that rivaled those of the Millennium Items, like materializing Duel Monsters, summoning his Orichalcos Soldiers all over the world and also recalling them, and also the power to brainwash others. Dartz also demonstrated the ability to cause devastating weather storms, rain lightning blasts from the sky, conjure a sword from nothing, communicate with people telepathically, remote viewing, show visions, and using telekinesis. The Orichalcos also seemingly granted Dartz eternal youth, as 10,000 years had passed since he ruled Atlantis and he didn't age at all.

Dartz is also shown to have an extremely strong fighting spirit. It was so strong that when he manifested his fighting spirit during his Duel with Kaiba and Yami Yugi, they noted he was no ordinary person. Outside observers like Tristan, Tea, and Mokuba noted outside observers shouldn't be able to sense a Duelist's fighting spirit, but they clearly felt his.