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Wade Wilson

Marvel × Shōnen

Deadpool's History

Wade Wilson was a mercenary born in Canada, and at some point was married to Vanessa Carlysle. Diagnosed with inoperable cancer, he underwent an experimental treatment that gave him superhuman regenerative abilities but caused the cancer to consume his entire body. Wade took on the costumed identity Deadpool, but when Vanessa was killed he was unable to save her and went insane from grief. For a time, Deadpool was an infamously ruthless assassin, but mellowed into a still-violent but wisecracking antihero who used fourth-wall breaking humor as an outlet for his grief.

At some point, Deadpool used a time machine to travel to feudal Japan, where he fought a samurai. Some time later, Deadpool was invited to Tokyo by the Japanese multimedia corporation Shueisha, publisher of the Shōnen Jump manga magazines. After foiling a terrorist organization's attempts to create a super-soldier serum, Deadpool was bribed into join the Samurai Squad - a new superhero team bankrolled by the Avengers - by Iron Man. Encountering the superhero Sakura Spider - another recruit to the Samurai Squad, Deadpool mocked her for being a ripoff of Spider-Man; though they worked together to foil a hostage situation. Immediately afterwards, they were confronted by Loki, who offered Deadpool a spot on a supervillain team he was putting together. Deadpool refused and informed Loki the Avengers were en-route - Deadpool having RSVP'd them to a party celebrating the launch of the Deadpool: Samurai manga - causing the god of lies to retreat. To Deadpool's dismay, however, the only Avenger to arrive was Captain America, who tasked them with finding new recruits for the Samurai Squad. Deadpool and Sakura Spider were sent to recruit Neiro Aratabi, a teenage idol singer who was the host of a symbiote she'd nicknamed Kage. Attending one of Neiro's concerts, Deadpool teasingly accused Sakura Spider of having a crush on the idol. While attempting to sneak into the dressing room, Deadpool and Sakura Spider were accosted by security guards and chased outside, spotting Neiro being attacked by Loki. Spider Sakura used her webbing to launch Deadpool through the window, Deadpool tackling Loki in an attempt to disrupt his attempt to brainwash Neiro.

Attacked by the brainwashed Neiro, Deadpool was disgusted by Loki's accomplice, an obese otaku who had sided with the Asgardian when promised to have Neiro as a sex slave. Deadpool managed to break Loki's control over Neiro and was disturbed when she asked him not to kill the otaku - who she said she forgave because he was one of her fans. Despite agreeing not to kill the otaku, Deadpool did so anyway when Sakura Spider arrived and recognized the otaku as a ticket-scalper. After Bruce Banner removed the control collar from Neiro, Deadpool annoyed him into Hulking out and was smashed into a bloody pulp. Informed that Loki was after a machine that could create multiversal and even omniversal portals, Deadpool and the other Samurai Squad members were tasked with protecting it. A squad of Hydra insurgents brainwashed by attacked and were quickly subdued and/or slaughtered, the leader revealing that Loki had resurrected Thanos immediately before the Mad Titan attacked, incapacitating Deadpool.

With both the Hulk and Neiro effortlessly incapacitated by Thanos, Neiro's symbiote bonded to Deadpool in a bid to increase their odds. However, even with the symbiote augmenting him Deadpool was easily defeated and it returned to Neiro. Deadpool attempted to contact Captain Marvel but accidentally summoned All-Might instead. Deadpool was angered by All-Might defeating Thanos by himself, the villain destroying the interdimensional portal device with one last attack before succumbing to his wounds.

With Loki rallying his army of supervillains on Mt. Fuji, Samurai Squad returned to base to resupply before the final battle. However, to Deadpool's annoyance, Neiro abruptly left after being notified that she had an upcoming concert, declaring she cared more about pleasing her fans than the fate of Japan. Distracted by thinking about how her opinion of him had changed, Sakura Spider was run over by a truck and a car, leaving her severely injured. Forced to face Loki's army alone, Deadpool killed an avatar of Shuma-Gorath with a super hero landing, but was easily defeated until several members of the Avengers arrived, having been called in by Sakura Spider. Loki fled into Aokigahara Forest and opened a portal, attempting to summon a variant of Weapon XI, but he was killed by the villainous Deadpool from Earth-617, who Loki had previously hired. Deadpool-19966 and Deadpool-617 fought, the latter attempting to kill him via impalement on a tree stump a la Logan, but Deadpool-19966 convinced his counterpart to change sides by revealing that Iron Man paid better than Loki. The two Deadpools defeated Loki, who revealed that the reason he wanted to destroy Japan was because Thor had stopped participating in their centuries-long rivalry due to becoming addicted to anime. As the Avengers arrested him, Loki declared that the villains of the world would rise up to complete his mission; Deadpool voicing confidence in the Samurai Squad's ability to take them down.

In order to ensure the manga got a sequel, Deadpool slipped a key to the villains the Avengers had defeated, enabling them to escape and rampage across New York City. However, the Avengers managed to defeat them all while Deadpool was waiting for a plane back to America.