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Delphyne Gorgon

Delphyne Gorgon

Prime Marvel Universe

Delphyne Gorgon's History

Delphyne Gorgon is a descendant of the original Gorgon sisters who were cursed by Athena Panhellenios, and has made it her life's goal to kill Athena in order to lift the curse.

The Amazons at one time waged war with the Gorgons. Many were captured and assimilated into Amazonian society, where their descendants lived among the Amazons. Delphyne is one of these descendants. She has known Princess Artume of the Amazon's her entire life, and, when the princess rose to power, she served as the Princess's highest ranking and most valued general.

As the top general for Princess Artume, Delphyne lead the Amazons. Delphyne became dis-satisfied with Artume's methods and turned against her. A battle between the two ended with Artume losing her head and reverting to a stone statue and Delphyne assumed the mantle of "Queen of the Amazons".

In the course of her travels, she met Amadeus Cho, and they began dating. She had a short lived love interest with him. Unable to be with Cho because of her new duty as the Queen of the Amazons, Delphyne hoped to find a way to free herself from the curse of the gorgons, returning her to human form so she could be with Cho. This plan, however, required Delphyne to kill Athena, who originally cursed the gorgons.

Delphyne and the Amazons sided with Hera and the Olympus Group against Athena, the hated goddess who cursed the Gorgon line. Delphyne arranged for a special helmet to be crafted by Hephaestus for her to unlock her latent petrifying powers, like those of Medusa (Medusa Gorgon the Greek Godess, not the Inhuman). Delphyne used this power to turn Athena to stone and in exchange would turn her over to the Smith God. She intended to officially become a couple with Cho but in truth, he loved her just the way she was before the curse was lifted. When she found out Hephaestus' true intentions for Athena however, she rescued her inanimate form from him just as Continuum had begun erasing reality. At the moment of Zeus & Hera's demise, Athena rose again brandishing her father's lightning bolt and reinstating the curse of Delphyne's ancestry reverting back to her Gorgon form again.