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These are the 50 latest comments made by Dhruv

Dhruv 2 y 9 mo 3 d
53 months member
I will try to do it by today. Sorry for not being online much and not contributing to the site in the past few months, hopefully when my school exams get over then I can be online more on this site.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
53 months member
Captain America @NorrinRadd The 70 years was just an MCU thing. In the comics, it was mentioned once that he was in a state of suspended animation for 20 years. Steve definitely disappeared on or before 18 April,1945, and the issue when he got revived back (Avengers #4) was published in 1964 which is almost 20 years after 1945, matching the statement in the first scan where Cap said the world has advanced 20 years ahead of him. The MCU changed it to 70 years because the movie came out in 2011.
Cap was trapped in Korvac's time loops, and each loop can last around 50 years, and every time Korvac resetted a loop, Cap was allowed to retain his memories. Captain went through multiple time loops (atleast 5 times but there is no proof that every time loop is 50 years long so one can only guess as to how many years exactly was he trapped in the loops).
And he also spent 12 years in Dimension Z and returned to Earth on the same day. Add Koravc's time loops (probably more than 100 or even 150 years), his time in Dimension Z, his time in World War II and as a hero in the modern time, you can easily say he can have around 150-200 years of experience.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Dhruv 3 y 3 mo 6 d
53 months member
Here goes my hope to see Nightmare in MOM.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
