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Edger Heed

Batman (1966 TV Series)

Egghead's History

Egghead was a villain created for the 1960s Batman television series. He believed himself to be "the world's smartest criminal," and his crimes would usually have an egg-motif to them as well as including egg puns in his speech where appropriate such as "egg-zactly" and "egg-cellent." Additionally, he would use a wide assortment of egg-shaped weapons, such as laughing gas eggs and tear gas eggs (laid by chickens on a diet of onions).

The master criminal known as Egghead was one of the smartest men in the world, a genius by anyone's standards. With his great genius came a great ego. He was forever talking about his own brilliance, and at one time he had his female companion, Miss Bacon, write down every word he said in order to record his brilliance for posterity in a book entitled "How To Be A Better Criminal". Soon afterward, he met and became romantically involved with Olga, Queen of the Bessarovian Cossacks. They were engaged for some time, but Olga refused to marry him until he could provide her with a suitable dowry, which provided him with a reason for returning to crime.

Egghead was introduced in the second season two-parter, "An Egg Grows in Gotham" and "The Yegg Foes in Gotham," where he schemed with Chief Screaming Chicken of the Mohican Indian tribe to revert control of Gotham City to the Chief's people. In return, Egghead would also govern the city and enable the criminal underground to run amok. He came to within an inch of defeating the Dynamic Duo by attempting to use a thought transferer to leave Bruce Wayne a vegetable. Needless to say, their scheme was foiled by Batman and Robin.

Egghead would return twice in the third season with his new partner and love interest, Olga, Queen of the Cossacks, and in exile from Bessarovia. In the first appearance, Egghead disguised himself as a deliveryman in order to capture Commissioner Gordon and load him into Olga's getaway balloon. Egghead and Olga held Commissioner Gordon for a ransom demand of $0.10 tax on every egg that is eaten in Gotham City. Egghead even appeared at a diner that Chief O'Hara was at to make sure his ransom demands were occurring. Batman and Robin then learned that Egghead and Olga planned to steal the Samovar of Genghis Khan from the Bessarovian Embassy. Batman and Robin planned a trap by hiding in the Samovar of Genghis Khan only to be gassed by the Cossacks at Olga's hideout upon springing their trap. Commissioner Gordon and Robin were then seen about to be made into borscht by Ambassador Omar Orloff while Batman was to be made into Olga's husband since Bessarovian queens are entitled to 6 husbands which Egghead was not one of. Batgirl and Alfred managed to find them and freed the Caped Crusaders and Barbara Gordon. Egghead used eggs laid by chickens that only ate onions on the Caped Crusaders which emitted a tear gas that made the Terrific Trio cry enough for Egghead and Olga to make their escape.

Egghead, Olga, and the Cossacks then raided the Gotham Radium Center and stole 2 pounds of raidum. Then they stole a giant fossilized egg of a Neosaurus from the Gotham City Museum. Egghead planned to use the radium to hatch the Neosaurus egg and unleash it upon Gotham City. When the hideout was found by the Dynamic Trio, Robin and Batgirl were easily captured and forced to watch the Neosaurus egg being hatched. When the Neosaurus hatched, it ended up advancing towards Egghead and Olga causing them to scream with terror, run out of the building and surrender to the authorities outside. The Neosaurus turned out to be Batman in disguise.

Egghead, Olga, and the Cossacks later escaped from prison and raided Gotham City Museum where they steal the Sword of Bulbul and the Egg of Ogg. Then Olga and the Cosscaks stole 500 lbs. of caviar that was to be given to the people of Gotham City by the Czar of Szamarkand with Egghead riding behind them on a burro. While Olga and the Cossacks escaped, Egghead arrived on his burro and was caught by a museum guard. Batgirl arrived and managed to convince Egghead to take her to Olga's hideout. Batman and Robin ended up following the trail to Olga's hideout. Batman and Robin found that Egghead had lured Batgirl into a trap where she was bound and forced into a saber-dance while Olga's Cossacks tried to stab her with their scimitars. Batman and Robin arrived and freed Batgirl. The Dynamic Trio fiought with the Cossacks until Egghead threw Batgirl into a vat of caviar. While Batman and Robin got Batgirl out of the caviar vat, Egghead, Olga, and the Cossacks rode off only for them to run into the police and were subsequently arrested.