===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====


Elemental's powers and abilities

Element control Elemental control all the elements in the universe. He gives rain to planets to reward them. He gives them drought or storms or an ice age to punish them. He put himself on fire and turn himself to ice. His fire blasts are the hottest there is. The ice he shoots never melt. His lightening never misses. He uses his powers mainly for punishing and rewarding.

Dimensional travel Elemental can move his essence to the planets he is punishing or rewarding. He can go to anywhere in the universe. However he rarely leaves his post in the centre of the universe.

Duplicate Elemental can duplicate himself to separate his different powers. He can separate the fire, ice, lighting, Wind, etc.

Immortality Elemental has been living since the dawn of time and will be there to fulfill his duties till the end.