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Emriss Silentborn

Abidan Archives

Emriss Silentborn's History

Emriss Silentborn was born a tree. The men’hla tree is famous for its utility in Soulsmithing. Each of its leaves produces a separate Remnant, leading to an almost endless supply of dead matter. It takes extraordinary circumstances for such a tree to attain sentience, and Emriss is the result of such a twist of fate. When she advanced to Underlord, she took the form of a young woman, using her control over vast networks of dream madra to voraciously learn and spread that knowledge as widely as possible.

While her Path of Ten Thousand Dreams is not particularly suited to combat, its power is nonetheless undeniable. Sacred artists have shared dreams since antiquity, but Emriss developed the ability to accurately share memories, leading to the development and widespread adoption of dream tablets. This Path involves sharing thoughts widely, coordinating entire armies of sacred arts at once.

Some argue that she invented dream tablets and the Dreamway, but some suggest she didn’t invent the dream tablets, but rather only refined them, since Ozmanthus Arelius had left dream tablets behind roughly four to five thousand years ago.

As she began gathering support for a global portal network, to bring the various continents closer together, three rival Monarchs joined forces and had her assassinated. Free, unlimited knowledge is a threat to those who hoard secrets. But death did not stop her. The Remnants that fell from her leaves spread far and wide, defying all attempts to hunt her spirit down. Over time, they joined together and re-formed, but her memories were fragmented and her sense of identity almost entirely broken.

Fortunately for her, she had spent her life leaving memories all around the world. With her rebirth came wisdom. While her purpose never changed, her methods did. She is now more subtle, and the other Monarchs consider her both generous and harmless.

Emriss Silentborn is the oldest Monarch of the generation we see, being a Monarch during the Dread War centuries ago and having trapped the Silent King beneath her roots soon after. She developed a good relationship with the generations of Ninecloud Court Monarchs, and was supportive of Lindon’s plan to force the Monarchs to ascend, lending her assistance in killing the Silent King and her authority in restoring Akura Mercy’s damaged spirit. She later assisted Mercy in advancing to Monarch, and ascended along with Sha Miara, Ziel, Akura Mercy, and Yerin after the defeat of the Dreadgods.