Can any character defeat SCP-3812?
Created by Ralkero, 3 y 2 mo 4 d ago.
I've been thinking about it for a while and I can't find any character that sounds like they could defeat SCP-3812. If you know of one, let's hear about it.
Created by Ralkero, 3 y 2 mo 4 d ago.
I've been thinking about it for a while and I can't find any character that sounds like they could defeat SCP-3812. If you know of one, let's hear about it.
1. Kami tenchi (Tenchiverse)
2. Amaranth (Elder Scrolls)
3. Azathoth (Cthulhu mythos)
4. The Presence (DC Comics)
5. The Creator (Umineko)
6. Eru Iluvatar (Tolkienverse)
And many others.