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James Gunn taking over DC, good or bad?

Created by Galactus, 2 y 1 mo 2 h 7 m ago.

The DCEU is going to be reset, how do you feel about that? Should Zack Snyder have continued the DCEU?
What actor should stay in the new 'Gunn DC Verse' ?


Tyrannus 2 y 22 d
James Gunn taking over DC, good or bad?
70 months member
This will be a bad move. Nothing against James Gunn, in fact I think he's a great director. However my worry is that he'll make the DCEU more like the MCU just like how Joss Whedon did with the Justice League movie which ended up being terrible. Zack Snyder's version was far superior.
DC tends to be darker in general and that was what set them apart from Marvel. Now with their new take everyone will just be comparing the DCEU to the MCU and calling it a copy.
I'm not sure whether they should reset the universe anymore. They've already made several movies already and yet its all mostly a mess. I just wish they never messed up in the first place and let Zack Snyder maintain control to see his vision through.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.
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Tyrannus 1 y 11 mo 20 d
James Gunn taking over DC, good or bad?
70 months member
@ForJustice1324 Its not so much WB's fault. Zack Snyder had to leave after the horrible tragedy his family went through. However they shouldn't have tried to copy Marvel by trying to make it funny.
Man of Steel was good. BvS was more disappointing than it was bad and the JL Synder cut was pretty good. The MCU didn't start out with tremendous hype either, it took time to get to where it was and it paid off. DCEU rushed things and look what happened.
Also I thought you didn't want to talk to me?
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.
ForJustice1324 1 y 11 mo 11 d
James Gunn taking over DC, good or bad?
67 months member
Like I said not a big Snyderfan but disappionted that WB rebooting the DC movies again. To be honest I'm not gonna watch them because none of the projects they've announced impress me all that much. I'll be sticking to the MCU and Matt Reeves' The Batman films.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.