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Pumpkins everywhere!

Created by Galactus, 3 y 1 mo 7 d ago.

Damn those pumpkins! Must be Halloween soon...
Let's make this a community effort and destroy those damn orange things!
If we collect 50 Million seeds in total, we all get 1 extra OC slot. Also some nice awards will be handed out.

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Galactus 3 y 1 mo 2 d
Pumpkins everywhere!
8+ year member
Sticky And we did it! We've collected 50 million seeds!
I've upped the default OC slots to 4.

Keep collecting seeds to get a higher tier award when time runs out!
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Darkseid_Uxas 3 y 1 mo 1 d
Pumpkins everywhere!
43 months member
@Galactus will there be a season 2: Halloween?
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
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Galactus 3 y 1 mo 1 d
Pumpkins everywhere!
8+ year member
Halloween 2022 will probably be a later season. Meaning that there will be seasons before it.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.