Round 1: Wonder Woman vs Thor Round 2: Superman vs Thor
Created by ExplodingDebater, 9 y 3 mo 22 d ago.
I want to know who you would think would win
Setting : Open battlefield , no restrictions , same for round two
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booyah 4 y 8 mo 12 d
Round 1: Wonder Woman vs Thor Round 2: Superman vs Thor #
Wonder Woman gives a very good fight to Thor but loses.In round to, the tired Thor gets godstomps by superman
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
HeroicSacrifice123 4 y 8 mo 13 d
Round 1: Wonder Woman vs Thor Round 2: Superman vs Thor #
Thor wins both rounds unless he sustains the wounds from previous rounds, then he'd lose to Superman.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Smugloss 4 y 10 mo 18 d
Round 1: Wonder Woman vs Thor Round 2: Superman vs Thor #
Thor would lose to Wonder Woman get stomped feat wise....
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.