What is every Main user the God of?
Created by InvertedQuantumSpectrum, 4 y 4 mo 26 d ago.
What I mean is if someone is the best or makes the most battles then they are the god of battles or if someone is the best debater then they are the god of debating or the god of trolling and so on
What would u say every main user is the god of (by main user I mean users that are known throughout the site)
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Taurus 4 y 9 d
What is every Main user the God of? #
@TheNemianLion the God of Badassery, the God of Hulk
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Savage 4 y 9 d
What is every Main user the God of? #
I'll be the god of hip hop, even though it's unrelated to this website AND I'm not a main user by any means. This website doesn't strike me as site that attracts a lot of rap fans, so I'll just go with that.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Poe 4 y 9 d
What is every Main user the God of? #
I am the god of missing every thing in the website
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.