What is going on with Mjölnir?
Created by ThorMathews, 2 y 10 mo 14 d ago.
I just need some people to express and talk about what's going on with the hammer. Being now personified as a woman? Or is it the god tempest? I have no idea where this is going.
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ICVonDoom 2 y 9 mo 6 d
What is going on with Mjölnir? #
Modern Wokevel
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
Tyrannus 2 y 10 mo 4 d
What is going on with Mjölnir? #
Well now that the latest issue has been released we can sort of see why this is all happening. It relates to [spoiler]when Jane threw mjolnir into the sun and Mangog returning. I guessing that mjolnir/Mangog wants revenge, I think.
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.
GivejusticetoKnull 2 y 10 mo 13 d
What is going on with Mjölnir? #
next : stormbreaker somehow becomes a male entity and marries mjolnir
Last edited: 2025 y 3 d ago.