what storys are you reading, and what are your all time favs
Created by TheOne2001, 2 y 10 mo 25 d ago.
what storys are you reading, and what are your all time favs
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GivejusticetoKnull 2 y 10 mo 7 d
what storys are you reading, and what are your all time favs #
im currently reading the marvel comic Secret wars(2015) and my all time fav is pride and predjudice
Last edited: 2025 y 26 d ago.
_UwU_ 2 y 10 mo 12 d
what storys are you reading, and what are your all time favs #
the Daredevil series
Last edited: 2025 y 26 d ago.
Gogeta2 2 y 10 mo 19 d
what storys are you reading, and what are your all time favs #
I'm reading the blacked night and it slaps, it's such a good comic so far since it brings back issues from the past and forces characters to fight their inner demons. Not to mention currently spectre is being controlled by one of nekkron's black rings which forces the heroes to save themselves and spectre who is normally a trump card is now kind of useless. This comic also goes into depth on the different lanterns which I always thought was cool and you can see character growth in sinestro who is normally a black and white character. All in all, it's a really good comic so far.
Last edited: 2025 y 26 d ago.