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the ancient one and doctor strange

Why Dr. Strange needs to be boycotted.rn rn Sometimes, people need to stand up for what is right. A huge tragedy is about to take place in the form of the film Dr. Strange. Recently, reasons have been revealed that the character known to comic book fans as "The Ancient One" will be portrayed as a white woman instead of Tibetan. You see, the film makers have revealed that they don't want to cause political controversy by insulting the Chinese government. " Insulting them with what?" One might ask.rnYou see, until 1949, Tibet was an independent Buddhist nation in the Himalayas. The once peaceful nation, rich in art, religion, and culture was invaded by the communist Chinese culminating in the complete overthrow of the Tibetan government. With that overthrow, over a million Tibetan's have been killed, natural resources have been depleted, art, literature has been destroyed, even local wildlife is on the brink of extinction. In fact, Tibet itself is on the brink of extinction. Mainly because any peaceful protest is received with arrest, incarceration, and frequently torture. There is no freedom of speech, forced abortions, 80% deforestation, nuclear and toxic waste waste dumping, basically every crime against human rights is committed there.rn So what happened to the Tibetan government? Well, the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual and political leader fled to India in 1959. He lives among 100,000 refugees in exile. China has not officially claimed sovereignty by conquest over Tibet which still holds its statehood under illegal occupation. China continues to flood Tibet with settlers which now out number Tibetans 7-1.rn Ultimately, big corporations, (Disney/Marvel among others) are willing to change comic book history and continuity by pandering to the wants of this empire. You see, China is a huge movie supporting nation. It's box office numbers are now counted with our own to determine the success and failure of a film. Well I say, let China have its version of Dr. Strange and Let the box office numbers in this and every other country reflect the compassion we should all feel for Tibet. You see, it's not about changing race or gender this time. This time it's about hiding history's dirty little secrets to sell seats in a theater. We should leave one seat open to honor each and every Tibetan that lost his/her life to this empire. Not because The Ancient One is now portrayed as a white woman, but because The Ancient One is, was, and always will be Tibetan.

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Ancient One (Yao)


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