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Gorilla Grodd


DC Television Universe

Gorilla Grodd's History

Grodd, also known as Gorilla Grodd, is a silver-back gorilla that was experimented on by S.T.A.R. Labs. After being exposed to the energy from the particle accelerator, Grodd then escaped his cage and developed powerful psychic abilities, becoming a near-unstoppable enemy of the Flash. Having cared for Grodd, Caitlin Snow was sympathetic to his condition as the only meta-gorilla, and so she helped Team Flash send him to Earth-2 where he could be with more of his kind in Gorilla City. However, Grodd wanted to rule over humankind, plotting to dethrone Solovar and to take over Central City on Earth-1 with an army. After this failed, he was locked up back on Earth-1 by A.R.G.U.S.

Due to a rupture of time caused by the Legends, Grodd ended up as an anachronism in 1967's Vietnam, starting his own cult and fighting the Legends, before being found and recruited as a follower of Mallus by Damien Darhk. Upon their defeat, Grodd was sent back to A.R.G.U.S. presumably by the Time Bureau. He orchestrated his escape on the night of the Enlightenment and he broke out about a year later where he tried to steal King Shark's crown so he'd be able control everyone in Central City. He was defeated by King Shark, and placed back in A.R.G.U.S. custody, this time in a medically-induced coma.